
KanAm Grund Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
OMNITURM, Grosse Gallusstraße 18
60312 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
T +49 69 710411-0
F +49 69 710411-100


Management team
Olivier Catusse / Heiko Hartwig / Sascha Schadly / Jan Jescow Stoehr

The company has at least two managing directors and is represented either by two managing directors jointly or by one managing director together with an authorised signatory.

Court of Registry
Frankfurt am Main, Germany, HRB 52360

Sales tax identification number under section 27 a of the Sales Tax Law:
DE 215954971

Supervisory authority
Supervisory authority
Lurgiallee 12, 60439 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Responsible for content
under section 10 paragraph 1 MedStV
Olivier Catusse, Heiko Hartwig, Sascha Schadly, Jan Jescow Stoehr

Project partners for conception, design, implementation and operation:
Arts & Others Communication GmbH

Fotos, Bildmaterial:
KanAm Grund Group,,,

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