Dr Raphael Schöttler new Head of Financing/Treasury at KanAm Grund Group

Dr Raphael Schöttler (37) took over as Head of Financing/Treasury at the KanAm Grund Group at the beginning of September. In his new role, he is responsible for the further development of the KanAm Grund Group's financing strategy. In addition to financing the portfolio, his activities focus on maintaining existing banking relationships and acquiring new financing partners. He reports to Olivier Catusse, CEO and Managing Partner of the KanAm Grund Group.

Olivier Catusse, says: "Due to the changed market environment, the area of Financing/Treasury will play a central role in the coming years. In connection with this, digitalization and the interlinking of various topics from the real estate sector will also become increasingly important.  Existing processes must be questioned and, if necessary, new solutions must be established. Dr Raphael Schöttler has the experience and know-how to drive forward the implementation of innovative financing solutions together with his team - in close cooperation with our specialist departments and a large international network of partners. I am very much looking forward to working with him.“

Dr Raphael Schöttler has many years of experience in the intersection of finance and technology. As Managing Director of Loanboox GmbH, a digital credit platform for financing solutions, he most recently led the development and expansion in the German and Austrian markets. Previously, as Vice President at Deutsche Bank AG, he was responsible, among other things, for setting up an internal unit for product innovation. He was also involved in the development of a P2P credit marketplace and co-founder of a digital asset manager. Dr Raphael Schöttler studied economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He received his doctorate from Humboldt University Berlin with a thesis on real estate prices. His time abroad took him to the Guanghua School at Peking University and to Harvard University.

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