Jacob Pretzell new Head of Fund Management at KanAm Grund Institutional

Jacob Pretzell (47) took on a leading role in KanAm Grund Group's institutional fund business as Head of Fund Management at the beginning of January.

He was previously Director in the Fund Management division of KanAm Grund Institutional since January 2022. In his new position, Pretzell is responsible for the management of the specialized institutional real estate funds, the development of new fund strategies and the operational implementation of fund-related measures, as well as the personnel management of the division. He reports to Sascha Schadly, Managing Director of KanAm Grund Institutional. 

Sascha Schadly, says: "Jacob Pretzell has excellent knowledge and many years of experience with regard to the combination of real estate investments and equity and fund structures. He is a great asset to KanAm Grund Group, both professionally and personally. We are very pleased to have him on board. With his help, we will once again improve management performance for our institutional investors and further expand our specialized funds business." 

Jacob Pretzell has been working in the real estate industry for more than 15 years. He has many years of fund management expertise and is familiar with the complex requirements of institutional investors regarding the structuring of specialized funds. He has also worked in the field of asset and property management of commercial real estate for international investors. Before joining KanAm Grund Group, Jacob Pretzell worked for several years as Director Fund Management at GEG German Estate Group GmbH/DIC Asset AG and as Senior Asset Manager at Mayfield Property GmbH. He holds a degree in Business Administration and Real Estate Economics (IREBS). 

Investment opportunities for institutional investors at KanAm Grund Group    
There are currently nine specialized institutional real estate funds and twelve asset management mandates. Four specialized institutional real estate funds are offered exclusively to "Sparkassen" and "Genossenschaftsbanken", specifically for their "Depot A investments". The Fokus Süddeutschland Fonds was launched in 2017. The investment focus is on core and core+ properties in the office, retail, hotel and industrial sectors with a focus on southern Germany. The Fokus Norddeutschland Fonds was launched in 2019 and invests in properties in selected regions of northern Germany. The KanAm Grund European Cities KI Fonds and the KanAm Grund Öffentliche Institutionen Deutschland Fonds were launched in 2020. The KanAm Grund European Cities KI Fonds invests in core and core+ office properties in Europe excluding Germany. The KanAm Grund Öffentliche Institutionen Deutschland Fonds focuses on office properties with public sector tenants in Germany.     
With its own branches and networks in other European countries and the USA, the KanAm Grund Group has created a successful platform to offer its investors real estate investments and services across a range of risk classes from core to project developments in Europe and North America. KanAm Grund Group has many years of expertise in the areas specialized institutional real estate funds, separate account solutions and club deals. Since its founding, the company has moved a transaction volume of over 30 billion euros and manages over 7 billion euros in investor funds. Around 80 percent of this comes from institutional investors. The investment focus is on Germany, Europe and North America. In these markets, KanAm Grund Group has excellent access to attractive properties and offers both institutional and private investors numerous investment opportunities.

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