Finnish embassy extends lease for "Le Corrège" in Brussels

The Finnish Embassy has extended its lease for around 5,000 square meters of space in "Le Corrège" on Avenue Cortenbergh in Brussels until 2040. The Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been a tenant of the property since 2013. "Le Corrège" has been owned by a special real estate fund of the KanAm Grund Group since 2020.

Modernization and ESG measures pay off     
Following the acquisition of the property by the KanAm Grund Group, numerous sustainability measures were implemented. For example, the building technology was optimized and charging stations for electric cars were built. The implementation of further sustainability optimizations has been agreed as part of the lease extension.

Anthony Bull-Diamond, Managing Director and Head of Investment and Asset Management Europe, says: "We are delighted to have secured the Finnish Embassy as a long-term tenant. Thanks to the active management by our asset management team, we have made targeted investments in sustainability measures, thus future-proofing the property and at the same time securing the interests of our investors in the long term."

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