KanAm Grund Group Sets New Standards for Sustainability with Biodiversity Policy

The KanAm Grund Group has introduced a comprehensive biodiversity policy that includes practical recommendations for property and facility managers as well as service providers. This user-friendly policy is designed to provide operational partners with effective tools to enable sustainable property management. Strong synergies arise between ecological protection and economic as well as social benefits, including value enhancement, cost savings, climate adaptation, and employee well-being.

With precise guidance on selecting suitable plants, creating flower beds, and ideal planting techniques, the KanAm Grund Group actively contributes to enhancing biodiversity conditions at its locations. For instance, open spaces, often covered with seemingly low-maintenance vegetation, yield little biodiversity performance. However, targeted measures can transform these areas into easily manageable oases that promote native flora and fauna. These green spaces not only provide visual pleasure but also serve as retreats for relaxation. Benefits include fostering local biodiversity and environmental awareness, a positive corporate image, commitment to biodiversity, optimization of the work environment, increased user satisfaction, and cost savings through reduced maintenance intensity.

Biodiversity, or biological diversity, is fundamental to our survival and encompasses the variety of living organisms, including animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria. It is crucial for providing ecosystem services that ensure our food supply, air quality, and water resources. The loss of this diversity can threaten the stability of the global climate and lead to humanitarian crises and conflicts. Therefore, the protection of biodiversity is of utmost priority.

The real estate sector plays a central role in both threatening and protecting biodiversity. Urban expansion inevitably leads to a loss of green spaces and, consequently, habitats for flora and fauna. However, the real estate industry has the opportunity to actively contribute to biodiversity preservation by giving space back to nature. Future reporting obligations will encourage the construction sector to reassess and reorient itself, particularly regarding the biodiversity footprint created by the consumption of resources and land in construction and property management. Intelligent planning, greening, and effective management offer the sector the chance to make a significant contribution to the preservation or even restoration of biodiversity.
Together with our partners, the KanAm Grund Group is committed to a more environmentally friendly future. The biodiversity handbook of the KanAm Grund Group aims to show ways how to protect and preserve biodiversity.

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