Sustainable real estate development

Green Real Estate Solutions

Would you like to focus on properties or a portfolio that prioritises sustainability? Recognise potential based on a thorough analysis? Have portfolios or individual properties managed?

As a professional investor, you can choose from a modular catalogue of services: We assess opportunities, identify potential, develop implementation plans, put them into practice and carry out monitoring. All of our services draw on our many years of experience in the sustainable optimisation of real estate.

Services for real estate investors. 5 overarching products:

  • Analyse the real estate portfolio:

    Are the portfolio and activities in line with the goal of climate neutrality and the objectives of the Paris Agreement?

  • Facilitate an upgrade or relaunch and align financial targets with sustainable goals through better consideration of sustainability criteria, greater transparency and more targeted risk assessment.

  • Determine current and achievable quotas – at the property and fund level.

    Taxonomy-compliant properties currently represent the highest standard of cross-national sustainability characteristics – this offers opportunities.

  • Analyse and implement ESG measures: Implementation per property and portfolio. This enables stakeholders, investors and other third parties to analyse their own portfolios and optimise them sustainably through individual or combined measures.

  • Including and involving tenants, positively influencing tenant behaviour and optimising the use of the property.

    These are key factors in the ESG strategy of a property and its implementation.

15 modular service modules

The service modules complement the available products.

You can access these flexibly in order to optimise properties and overall portfolios. The 15 modules can be individually combined so that we can fully meet your requirements.

EPC-level optimisation

Property certification

ESG handbook

Taxonomy quota



Green Lease

Tenant dialogue

Climate targets

Smart metering

Fund classification

ESG reporting

Benchmarking / ratings


Sustainable revitalisation

Example of practical implementation

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